• New Delhi, India
  • info@samtechinnovations.com
  • Office Hours: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM

Time & Attendance System

Welcome to Samtech Innovations Private Limited Time & Attendance System, a system created to make your workforce management procedures more efficient and straightforward. With the help of our system, businesses can effectively track and control staff attendance, keep an eye on working hours, and guarantee accurate payroll processing. You can increase efficiency within your company and guarantee that your valuable employees are being paid fairly by using user-friendly interfaces and robust capabilities.

Key characteristics:

• Clock-in/Clock-out Process: Our Time & Attendance System provides a simple clock-in and clock-out procedure. Employees may effortlessly track their working hours, lunch breaks, and other breaks, giving you access to real-time attendance data.

• Convenient Dashboard: The user-friendly dashboard provides key attendance information at a glance. It is easier to manage workforce numbers and assignments when administrators can see who is currently working, who is on vacation, and who is missing.

• Diverse tracking techniques Supported: Web-based logins, mobile apps, and biometric devices are just a few of the tracking techniques we support. This adaptability guarantees that employees can record their attendance using the method that is most convenient for them.

• Geolocation Tracking: This function, which may verify an employee’s location when clocking in or out, is useful for companies that have workers that work remotely or who are mobile. This stops unauthorized time entries and guarantees correct reporting.

• Leave Management: Our technology makes it easier to request and approve leaves of absence. Through the system, staff may easily request time off and receive rapid approval or denial from their superiors. The system also keeps track of unused leave balances.

• Simple management and calculation of overtime hours the technology can detect when an employee works longer than usual automatically, assisting you in adhering to labor laws and paying your staff correctly.

• Reminders and Notifications: Employees are notified about future shifts, breaks, and other crucial scheduling information by automated messages and reminders. This lessens the possibility of miscommunications and cancellations.

• Analytics and Reporting: Get thorough reports that offer information on attendance trends, late arrivals, early exits, and more. These reports help decision-makers use data-driven reasoning to manage their workforces more effectively.

• Integration with Payroll: Seamlessly integrate attendance data with your payroll system, thereby eradicating manual data entry and minimizing errors. The accuracy of employee compensation based on attendance records is ensured by this integration.

• Customizable Workflows: Tailor the system to your company’s specific workflow requirements and attendance regulations. Establish grace periods, shift regulations, and attendance categories in accordance with your company’s requirements.


• Effectiveness: Automate time-tracking procedures to lessen the administrative burden and mistakes brought on by manually recording attendance.

• Accuracy: Reduce errors in payroll computations by using current, precise attendance data.

• Compliance: Adhere to all labor laws and rules pertaining to employee work schedules, breaks, and overtime.

• Employee Satisfaction: Give employees easy access to their attendance records, leave balances, and schedules, which increases transparency and confidence. Optimize staffing levels based on attendance data to cut costs and prevent over- or understaffing.

Samtech Innovations’ Private Limited Time and Attendance System provides a comprehensive solution for successfully managing your workforce’s attendance. By utilizing advanced monitoring methods, automation, and integration capabilities, you will be able to streamline your processes, ensure accurate payroll, and make more informed workforce management decisions. Benefit from enhanced productivity, compliance, and employee satisfaction with our user-friendly and robust system.