• New Delhi, India
  • info@samtechinnovations.com
  • Office Hours: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM


Samtech Innovations offers critical services, such as management of computer hardware infrastructure, and a range of support services that ensure a safe and reliable physical environment. Through our experience and technical expertise, we aim for a long-term reduction in maintenance spending.

Samtech Innovations is targeting existing facilities leasing customers to manage equipment located on Samtech Innovations terrestrial sites by offering scheduled maintenance for the equipment hosted on remote Samtech Innovations sites in line with routine operational maintenance schedules. Samtech Innovations provides technical services at competitive market prices.

Samtech Innovations aims to combine its skills, resources and services into an Infrastructure Management Services offering by developing a business model for the open market. The model will encompass tariff structures and a resource plan. Customers will be able to contract Samtech Innovations to manage their networks and passive infrastructure, and on-sell any available capacity on customer’s terrestrial sites. This will allow the customer to focus on its core business, whilst relying on a world-class network operator to manage its communications needs.

3rd party site management is management services extended to 3rd party network equipment hosted on 3rd party premises / remote sites. They present the largest opportunity for Samtech Innovations , at Samtech’s owned sites.