• New Delhi, India
  • info@samtechinnovations.com
  • Office Hours: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM


Samtech Innovations can setup your Document Management Solution in a way that compliments your service force. The structured, indexed way in which information is stored and retrieved ensures customers face minimum wait during support calls, as the service agent can quickly and efficiently access all pertinent details and instructions.

Digitally preserving your historical collections and institutional media is imperative. Through our process, we give new life to the obsolete media of yesterday. Serving public and private institutions, our unparalleled attention to detail

For legal reasons, certain documents need to be retained for long periods of time. Samtech Innovations can provide you with options for off-site storage of paper documents as part of an imaging contract.

Electronic Document Management can provide another form of security through Disaster Recovery (DR). Once the data is converted to digital format, a backup copy is stored in a disaster recovery vault. The customer is only charged a fee if and when it becomes necessary to use the backup to recover lost information. Should an unfortunate disaster occur, Samtech Innovations will have you operational again within a few hours, eliminating costly downtime.

Scanning and Digital Imaging is the conversion of physical documents and images of any kind, in any format, into their digital equivalents. Reduction in physical space requirements and a much quicker document search and retrieval are just two of the many benefits of digitizing your paperwork. Samtech provides total imaging solutions and aims for operator-efficient design and productivity. We focus on client-specific document management requirements and, partnering with world leaders, offer you effective solutions keeping in mind present and future needs.