• New Delhi, India
  • info@samtechinnovations.com
  • Office Hours: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM

Construction ERP

NYGGS, one of the best ERP package, specialises in Construction management system for the construction industry. NYGGS is an advanced cloud-based enterprise resource planning solution that has been created by our team of industry experts to efficiently optimise the manufacturing processes of SMEs.

We have been providing, implementing, and customising our ERP software for construction businesses. We have various modules in NYGGS ERP to control and manage all areas of construction business including Human Resources, Store/Warehouse, Plant and Machinery, Billing, Accounting and Finance and other supporting services. We have smart IOT devices and Mobile apps as a part of ERP to make the functioning and control efficient and smooth.

Our Construction ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is a comprehensive, integrated solution designed to streamline and enhance the management of construction projects. This robust platform unifies various processes and departments within a construction company, providing real-time data and insights to improve efficiency, collaboration, and decision-making throughout the project lifecycle.

Our Construction ERP system is an essential tool for modern construction companies seeking to optimize their operations, improve project outcomes, and remain competitive in the industry. By integrating all aspects of construction management into a single platform, it provides the visibility and control needed to deliver projects on time and within budget. Implementing our Construction ERP will lead to significant improvements in efficiency, collaboration, and overall project success.